Dear siteseer!
Hi! This domain name is for sale. If you want to own this domain name, please simply send a text message containing the domain name & your "offer price", e.g. " & 1234 $" via one of the WhatsApp or Telegram apps.
Based on your offer price, if there were a room for negotiation, we inform you within 24 up to max. 48 hours.
Title transfer process:
There are 2 methods to have a safe title (domain name ownership) transfer:
1. I have representatives in UAE, Azerbaijan, Turkiye & Iran. My colleagues will help you to handle "a safe title and money transfer process".
2. We can transfer the domain name for one of the platforms like Sedo or Afternic. Therefore you can easily pick the domain name from that platform. (The extra costs of this method will be down to buyer’s side.)
Kind regards.
Nariman Musavi
Telegram & WhatsApp: +98 99 3880 99 52